Technology Purchasing and Standards

KETS Standards

Published: 2/27/2025 11:28 PM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Kentucky Education Technology System (KETS) standards enable commonality and consistency among Kentucky's public school districts.​

The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), Office of Education Technology works collaboratively with Kentucky's public school district representatives ​to help develop and maintain the standards that benefit and complement the KETS Network and initiatives.​

The Commonwealth Office of Technology (COT) has technology standards in place to support the overall state technology vision.  These standards are separate from KETS standards but are availabl​e as guides for districts developing applicable solutions.​​

​Standards Categories

KETS defines three categories of Enterprise Education Technology standards:

  • Technology Need Standards identify targeted quantities and refresh cycles of education technology components and services.​ For any entry below that has a Technology Need Standard indicated, the actual standard may be found within the Projected Costs of the KETS Master Plan , Appendix H .
  • Architectural Standards identify essential characteristics of education technology components and services to support interoperability, supportability, and other KETS principles.
  • Product Standards identify specific education technology products or services for which KETS Contracts have been established; in some cases, related Product Configuration Standards are available to district staff at the KETS Documentation​ site.​

For more details, see the KETS Master Plan, Appendix E .​

KETS Standards
CategoryNameTechnology Need StandardArchitectural StandardProduct Standard
End-User AccessBasic End-User WorkstationsYes


End-User AccessAdvanced End-User WorkstationsYes
End-User AccessAssistive and Adaptive TechnologyYes



School/District Administrative TechnologyFile Servers and StorageYes
School/District Internet AccessSchool and District Network ComponentsYes
School/District Administrative TechnologySchool and District Printing ServicesYes



School/District Administrative TechnologySchool and District Voice SystemsYes


Classrooms Digital Learning and EnvironmentSoftware, Apps, and Digital ContentYes



School/District Administrative TechnologyStudent Information System (Infinite Campus)Yes

​Coming Soon

School/District Administrative TechnologyFinancial Accounting System (Munis)Yes

Coming Soon

Technology Leadership and PersonnelPeople Side of Education Technology and Professional DevelopmentYes



Classrooms Digital Learning and EnvironmentSTLP Leadership & ServicesYes



School/District Internet AccessKY K-12 District Internet Hub ConnectionYes

​Coming Soon

School/District Internet AccessSchool to Kentucky K12 District Internet Hub Fiber ConnectionYes


Classrooms Digital Learning and EnvironmentClassroom Instructional TechnologyYes



CyberSecurityIdentity & Directory ServicesYes

​​KETS standard enterprise user directory and identity system, which is organizationally owned and fully supported by KDE/KETS.  All K-12 students and staff must have identities in this system.  This statewide system delivers authentication and supports other interoperable statewide and local services.​

​Microsoft Active Directory, Microsoft Entra ID​​

School/District Administrative TechnologyElectronic MailYes

​KETS standard electronic mail systems must be an organizationally owned, enterprise level, and fully inspectable K12 email solution approved by KDE. Email accounts must use the state standard domain extension and naming convention. No personal email solutions are permitted.​​

​Microsoft 365, Google Workspace for Education​

CyberSecurityVirus ProtectionYes

Coming Soon​


CyberSecuritySoftware Update ServicesYes

​Coming Soon

​Microsoft Windows Server Update Services​​​


​Coming Soon​


CyberSecurityInternet Safety/Security Management Solution (web filter)Yes

​Coming Soon

CyberSecurityVirtual Private NetworkYes

​Coming Soon

​Cisco AnyConnect​​

CyberSecurityDistributed Denial of Service ProtectionYes

​Coming Soon

CyberSecurityPrivate Internet Protocol ServicesYes

​Contact KETS Service Desk​


CyberSecurityDomain Name ServiceYes

Coming Soon

​Microsoft Active Directory​​

Office of Education Technology
Division of School Technology Planning and Project Management
300 Sower Blvd., 4th Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-2020
Fax (502) 564-1519

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